About Us

Wooden Bits and Bobs Story :

Over 20 years ago Mr Robert ( Bob ) Manuell started to sell wooden components to the toymakers market both around Australia and to New Zealand from his hardware store in Briar Hill. Bob decided that he wanted to sell his business and retire towards the end of 2014. I was looking for a small business to buy and while talking to Bob one day I happen to mention this and the rest is History. We still stock the same range of products as well as some new products, and we also set the business up on the internet. As Bob did for many years, I too enjoy talking to his many clients and hope to build the same rapport as he did. My daughter Kira and wife Gabrielle are also involved with the business and this gives me an opportunity to also teach them how a business is run and managed. So together, we are more than happy to assist anyone who is looking to purchase our products and please do not hesitate to contact us for further information.

You may have already realised this, but I tried to keep part of Bob's name in the business - Wooden Bits and Bobs.

Happy toy and craft making.

Ian and Kira Greenlaw



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